
Welcome to the logo and color palette section of the eMajor League media kit. This section includes various variations of our brand's logo and the color palette that reflects our brand identity.

Our brand logo has different variations to be used in various contexts. Below you can find the main logo, alternative logo and icon versions. We also have a specific color palette that reflects our brand identity. This palette includes the main brand color as well as color options suitable for various applications. Below you will find the list of our brand's primary colors and complementary secondary colors.

These colors should be used to maintain a consistent appearance across brand materials, websites, social media, and other communication channels.

Logo and Text

Please do not edit, modify, alter, distort, color or reconstruct the eMajor League logo.

Only Logo

Please do not edit, modify, alter, distort, color or reconstruct the eMajor League logo.


HEX: #09F25E

RGB: 9, 242, 94

HSL: 142, 96, 49

CMYK: 96, 0, 61, 5

HEX: #161616

RGB: 22, 22, 22

HSL: 0, 0, 9

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 91


RGB: 255, 255, 255

HSL: 0, 0, 100

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

© 2021 - | eMajor League