League Two

Date Player Transfer Type Club Contract Type
28.08.2024 / 09:16 Team Logo CEKSAR23
Transfer In expand_circle_right
Team Logo In The Game Classic Contract
27.08.2024 / 21:58 Team Logo iwABK
expand_circle_right Transfer Out
Team Logo In The Game Contract Cancel
27.08.2024 / 09:09 Team Logo OxoPanee
Transfer In expand_circle_right
Team Logo In The Game Classic Contract
26.08.2024 / 21:31 Team Logo Sengor
Transfer In expand_circle_right
Team Logo Çömlekci SK Classic Contract
25.08.2024 / 21:23 Team Logo DarkFire9070
expand_circle_right Transfer Out
Team Logo In The Game Contract Cancel
24.08.2024 / 23:56 Team Logo EmreJesus7745
expand_circle_right Transfer Out
Team Logo Shelter FC Contract Cancel
24.08.2024 / 18:26 Team Logo Halilovic98
expand_circle_right Transfer Out
Team Logo TBAA FC Contract Cancel
24.08.2024 / 17:16 Team Logo xFred01
Transfer In expand_circle_right
Team Logo Çömlekci SK Classic Contract
24.08.2024 / 16:58 hihgkttt
Transfer In expand_circle_right
Team Logo In The Game Classic Contract
24.08.2024 / 16:55 Team Logo StarBoyTR
expand_circle_right Transfer Out
Team Logo In The Game Contract Cancel
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